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  • APNS/2010/206 APNS Directory 2010 - Final Reminder
    Oct 14, 2010 View
  • APNS/2010/205 Restoration of Business of M/s. Message Communications,
    Oct 13, 2010 View
  • APNS/2010/204 Restoration of Business of M/s. Interflow Communications (Pvt) Ltd
    Oct 12, 2010 View
  • APNS/2010/202 Change of Addresses
    Oct 09, 2010 View
  • APNS/2010/203 Suspension of Business of M/s. Interflow Communications (Pvt) Ltd.
    Oct 09, 2010 View
  • APNS/2010/201 Restoration of Advertisements of “ The Constructors “
    Oct 08, 2010 View
  • APNS/2010/ 200 Provisional Restoration of Business of M/s. Simm (Pvt) Ltd
    Oct 06, 2010 View
  • APNS/2010/ 199 New Appointment
    Oct 06, 2010 View
  • APNS/2010/ 198 Issuance of Provisional Clearance Certificate in favour of Mehran University of Engineering and Tec
    Oct 06, 2010 View
  • APNS/2010/197 Provisional Restoration of Business of M/s. Maxim Advertising (Pvt) Ltd
    Oct 04, 2010 View
  • APNS/2010/196 Suspension of Advertising Agencies
    Oct 04, 2010 View
  • APNS/2010/59-A Dues against Federal Govt. Ministries / Departments
    Oct 01, 2010 View
  • APNS/2010/195 Dues against the “The Constructors”
    Sep 27, 2010 View
    Sep 24, 2010 View
  • APNS/2010/192 Restoration of Clients
    Sep 21, 2010 View
  • APNS/2010/193 Suspension of Advertisements of M/s. Wateen Telecom.
    Sep 21, 2010 View
  • APNS/2010/190 Change of Addresses
    Sep 20, 2010 View
  • APNS/2010/191 Restoration of Business of M/s. Simm (Pvt) Ltd.
    Sep 20, 2010 View
  • APNS/2010/189 Suspension of Business of M/s. Ambient Communications
    Sep 18, 2010 View
  • APNS/2010/188 Dues against Clients' of M/s. Metro Media
    Sep 17, 2010 View
  • APNS/2010/187 New Appoinments
    Sep 16, 2010 View
  • APNS/2010/185 Publication of Govt. Ads.
    Sep 15, 2010 View
  • APNS/2010/186 Provisional Clearance Certificate in favour of M/s. Port Qasim Authority
    Sep 15, 2010 View
  • APNS/2010/184 Reminder for APNS Directory 2010
    Sep 15, 2010 View
  • APNS/2010/54-A May June, 2010 Clearance
    Sep 03, 2010 View