How to Market Print to FMCGs Tea-Meeting with Mr. Sohail Ansar, CEO, Group M Ref: APNS/2010/239 To: All Member Publications Sub: How to Market Print to FMCGs Tea-Meeting with Mr. Sohail Ansar, CEO, Group M Dear Sir, Mr. Najam-ul-Hassan, Convener, Training & Development Committee, APNS has desired to inform you that the Training and Development Committee of the APNS has decided to convene a series of meetings of APNS member publications with prominent advertising practitioners. In this respect, a meeting has been scheduled on We hope that the above talk and discussions thereafter, would be beneficial to member publications in their marketing efforts. We request all member publications to send us names of their representatives who would attend the above meeting. Your response should reach the APNS Secretariat through e-mail or fax by Thanking you, Yours faithfully, ( Dr. Tanvir A. Tahir ) |