Postal Services and its Allied Departments Including Pakistan Post Ref: APNS/2010/70-A November 24 , 2010 To: All Accredited Advertising Agencies. Sub: Advertisements of Ministry of Postal Services and its Allied Departments Including Dear Sirs, Please refer our Circulars No.APNS/2010/208 dated October 15, 2010 and APNS/ 2010/212 dated October 23, 2010 wherein we informed the suspension of advertisements of the Ministry of Postal Services and its allied departments including Pakistan Post as they have failed to clear the dues of M/s. Midas Communications (Pvt.) Ltd. and Maxim Advertising Co. (Pvt.) Ltd. despite our repeated communications. We have observed that the above clients are releasing their ads in member and non-member publications through some advertising agencies to negate the APNS suspension. We therefore, advise all accredited advertising agencies not to release the advertisements of the above clients either in APNS member publications or any non-member publications. Any violation of the directive will be dealt with serious punitive action including dis-accreditation of the violating agency. Yours faithfully, ( Sarmad Ali ) |