Suspension of Business of Dewan Farooque Motors, Sugar Mills, Textile Mills, Cement ,Spinning Mills & Dewan Mushtaq Textile Mills Ref: APNS/2010/235 November 22, 2010 To: All Member Publications Sub: Suspension of Business of :
Dear Sirs, This refers our Circular dated April 13, 2010 wherein you were advised not to accept any advertisement of M/s. Dewan Farooq Motors Ltd. through any source till further communication by the APNS. M/s. JWT Asiatic (Pvt.) Ltd. has requested to suspend the business of the above allied companies of M/s. Dewan Farooque Motors Ltd. We have gone through the chairman / chief executive / Managing Directors / Directors of the above companies and found it that the Board and Management of all these companies are common. Hence, it has been decided to suspend the business of the above allied companies of M/s. Dewan Farooque Motors Ltd. Member publications are hereby, advised not to accept any advertisement of the M/s. Dewan Farooque Motors Ltd. and its above allied departments / companies through any source till further communication by the APNS. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, -s/d- ( Sarmad Ali ) |