Beta Version of new APNS Website Ref: APNS/2010/18 To: All Member Publications All Accredited Advertising Agencies Sub: Beta Version of new APNS Website Dear Sirs, We are pleased to inform you that we have constructed a new upgraded and improved website to cater the requirements of member publications and accredited advertising agencies as well as other users by providing all the features available through the modern info-tech facilities. The new website will be launched in the next month. However, we are releasing its Beta Version for our member publications and accredited agencies for their suggestions, comments and inputs so as we may improve upon the features of the website. If you find any problems in operating the website or the links therein, please contact the APNS Secretariat for facilitation. We shall be grateful, if you will kindly send your suggestions/comments to the APNS Secretariat through fax ( 021-35671310 ) or e-mail ( ) within 10 days of the receipt of this communication. The address of the Beta Version is given hereunder : Thanking you, Yours faithfully, ( Dr. Jabbar Khattak ) Secretary General APNS |