Dawn-Aurora Marketing & Advertising Conference Ref: APNS/2010/24 To: All Member Publications. “Sub: Dawn-Aurora Marketing & Advertising Conference We have been approached by Mr. Masood Hamid, Director Marketing, Daily Dawn, Dear Sir, On Indeed, the combined effects of the economic downturn and inflationary pressures have created a fundamental change in how consumers perceive and respond to brands. Where once impulse and emotion went hand in hand with logic in making purchasing decisions, today increased awareness coupled with a heightened sense of caution have turned Pakistan’s once free spending consumers into conservative and demanding buyers. This new breed of aware and cautious consumers is also wary and increasingly resistant to advertising, empowered as they are by the rise of social media networks which are giving them access to impartial viewpoints and peer opinions. As a result, these consumers demand to be active participants in the brand communication, dictating their preferences and insisting that what they want is noticed and catered to. What are the rules of engaging with this new and savvy consumer? Here is a taste of some of the burning questions that will be addressed at the Dawn-Aurora Marketing Conference:
Held over one day, this Conference will bring together specialists from across the communications spectrum to address these issues and other pertinent issues.” Thanking you, Yours faithfully, ( Dr. Tanvir A. Tahir ) Executive Director, APNS |